Judy Plus (58):Are You Face-Blind?

Judy Fay London is a published writer (who writes fiction and nonfiction; novels and short stories), and motivational speaker; A former entrepreneur, translator, teacher, part-time tour guide and model, Judy is also a fan of Jack London; a dog lover; and a yoga lover.

Judy’s Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B08V8HW82F

Join Judy’s family: www.judyfaylondon.com/product-category/vip/

Buy Judy a Coffee: https://judyfaylondon.com/product/buy-judy-a-coffee/

Related articles: 1)www.npr.org/2010/02/22/123975339/cant-remember-faces-blame-your-genes

2) www.vice.com/en/article/3aqwmn/prosopagnosia-face-blindness-why-people-cant-remember-faces

Note: The first background music “I Will Not Let You Let Me Down “, written by Josh Woodward, is used under CC—BY.The second background music–Dark Hallway, written by Kevin MacLeod, is available for commercial and non-commercial purposes.

About judyfaylondon

Judy Fay London is a published writer (who writes fiction and nonfiction; novels and short stories), and motivational speaker; A former entrepreneur, translator, teacher, part-time tour guide and model, Judy is also a fan of Jack London; a dog lover; and a yoga lover.

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