Judy Plus (Twenty Five): Two Men Might Be Able to Have Their Own Children in Ten Years.

Judy Fay London is a published writer (who writes fiction and nonfiction; novels and short stories), and motivational speaker; A former entrepreneur, translator, teacher, part-time tour guide and model, Judy is also a fan of Jack London and Friedrich A Hayek; a dog lover; and a yoga lover.

Judy’s Twitter: twitter.com/JudyFayLondon

Her Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B08V8HW82F

Join Judy’s family: www.judyfaylondon.com/product-category/vip/

Related articles: 1) www.sciencealert.com/healthy-mice-created-from-2-fathers-in-radical-gene-editing-breakthrough

2) www.livescience.com/63877-two-dad-mice.html

3) https://news.sky.com/story/scientists-create-fertile-eggs-using-only-male-mice-cells-in-breakthrough-which-could-pave-way-for-human-male-couples-to-have-children-12829194

Note: The first background music Dark Hallway is written by Kevin MacLeod. This music is available for commercial and non-commercial purposes.The second background music–“Take It Easy”, written by Bad Snacks, is used under CC0.

About judyfaylondon

Judy Fay London is a published writer (who writes fiction and nonfiction; novels and short stories), and motivational speaker; A former entrepreneur, translator, teacher, part-time tour guide and model, Judy is also a fan of Jack London; a dog lover; and a yoga lover.

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